- Where is the meeting point?
---- Based on the flight time, the wind direction of the day and the weight of the passengers, we will communicate via WhatsApp to the passengers the evening before the flight after 9pm, after the last updated wind forecast has been published, the exact meeting point and time. We fly from 3 different mountains based on these factors.


- Where do you land?
--- Depending on the mountain from where we will fly from, we will send you the GPS position of the landing point upon request via WhatsApp, in case you have spectators waiting for you at the landing.


- Where is it best for our spectators to be and watch, takoff or landing?
---- The landing is the most suitable point for spectators, as from there they can watch the entire flight and film it, and be present as soon as the passengers land to share the joy of the flight. Furthermore, our pilots prefer to have as few people as possible in the vicinity of take-off, infact people around the takeoff often compromise their concentration and that of the passengers during the most important phase of the flight, which is take-off.


- What happens if the weather is not favorable on the day of the flight?
---- In this case we will offer passengers an alternative time or date. Being an activity strictly dependent on weather and wind conditions, we expect a lot of flexibility from our passengers. Normally we always find a suitable solution.


- When do children and very light passengers usually fly?
---- With very light passengers and children we fly, especially in summer, usually early in the morning before the valley wind starts. With strong valley winds we fly mainly with passengers weighing 60/70kg and above.


- Is the landing hard?
---- Landing is a very simple phase of flight. The modern tandem wings and the experience of our pilots ensure extremely simple and soft landings, also suitable for passengers of advanced age or with reduced mobility.


- Is take-off difficult?
---- Takeoff is the most important and exciting phase of the flight. We make sure to choose the ideal wind conditions for take-off based on the weight and agility of our passengers. Under normal conditions, inflating the glider in a light slope breeze, only a few steps together running are needed to simply take off from the slope. Takeoff is also suitable for children, overweight or elderly people, as long as they are able to run at least 5-10 steps with the pilot.


- Is it dangerous?
---- Tandem paragliding is not classified as a risk sport in Switzerland, in fact it is covered by normal accident insurance, unlike many other common sports that are practiced outdoors.


- Looking out the window in the morning we see a thick fog, will we be able to fly?
---- Especially after a day in which it rained, in the Engadine valley a lake of low fog forms in the valley floor called The Maloja snake. This is a normal phenomenon, in fact the sky is open at high altitude and in the early morning this cloud dissolves. For us it is even more magical to fly above this low cloud while it is dissolving.


- The day is cloudy, can we still fly?
---- Of course, cloudy days offer us the best light contrasts and calmer thermals compared to days with completely blue skies. But when it rains you can't fly.


- I forgot to add the video to the booking. I can still add it on the day of the flight.
---- Of course, you can tell us before the flight and we will send you a separate payment link or you can remind us just before the flight. We always have video equipment with us and we make them anyway regardless.


- I don't have boots with me but only sneakers, can I still fly?
---- We recommend wearing appropriate shoes for running on takeoff, depending on the conditions. In summer in most cases, unless you take off in the snow, sneakers are sufficient, if sufficiently secured to the foot. In winter we recommend shoes with a sole that allows good stability for taking off and landing on snow.


- I don't have gloves or helmet with me, is that a problem?
---- No, pilots always have with them a pair of gloves and a helmet for passengers.